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Road Accident Analysis

To analyze and visualize road accident data for the years 2021 and 2022 to provide insights into various aspects of road accidents.

  • This project aims to help clients understand the trends and key performance indicators (KPIs) related to road accidents, such as the total number of casualties, types of casualties, etc

  • Tools used includes: Pivot Tables, Charts (line, bar, pie), Conditional Formatting, Filters for interactive analysis, etc

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Power BI

Car Insurance Claim Analysis

Performed in-depth analysis of Car Insurance Claims data providing valuable insights into the distribution of claims and factors influencing claim amounts.

By employing statistical analysis techniques and leveraging demographic and vehicle data, the project offers actionable insights that can inform insurance company's policies, pricing strategies, and customer engagement activities.

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Power BI | SQL | Excel

Call Center Performance Analysis

Conducted a comprehensive analysis of call center performance to evaluate service quality and understand customer perception.

  • This project aimed to measure customer satisfaction and sentiment

  • Provides insights into how well the company meets customer needs

  • Identifying opportunities for service improvement.

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Tool-based Projects

Here is a collection of projects based on the tools I imployed working on the project. hit me up

Recent Projects

Here is a collection of recently completed projects and few ongoing ones. Will you like to collaborate on any project, hit me up

  • Excel | Python

Financial Analysis Of NYSE Data

This project involved measuring the Profit and Loss statements and developing a forecasting model for S&P 500 companies. An exploratory analysis of historical financial data was conducted, followed by the creation of a forecasting model to predict Revenue.

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  • SQL | Power Bi | Python

Use Meta Benefit To Make Easier

This project involved measuring the Profit and Loss statements and developing a forecasting model for S&P 500 companies. An exploratory analysis of historical financial data was conducted, followed by the creation of a forecasting model to predict Revenue.

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  • Excel | Python

Financial Analysis Of NYSE Data

This project involved measuring the Profit and Loss statements and developing a forecasting model for S&P 500 companies. An exploratory analysis of historical financial data was conducted, followed by the creation of a forecasting model to predict Revenue.

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  • SQL | Power Bi | Python

Use Meta Benefit To Make Easier

This project involved measuring the Profit and Loss statements and developing a forecasting model for S&P 500 companies. An exploratory analysis of historical financial data was conducted, followed by the creation of a forecasting model to predict Revenue.

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  • Excel | Python

Financial Analysis Of NYSE Data

This project involved measuring the Profit and Loss statements and developing a forecasting model for S&P 500 companies. An exploratory analysis of historical financial data was conducted, followed by the creation of a forecasting model to predict Revenue.

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  • Excel | Python

Financial Analysis Of NYSE Data

This project involved measuring the Profit and Loss statements and developing a forecasting model for S&P 500 companies. An exploratory analysis of historical financial data was conducted, followed by the creation of a forecasting model to predict Revenue.

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  • SQL | Power Bi | Python

Use Meta Benefit To Make Easier

This project involved measuring the Profit and Loss statements and developing a forecasting model for S&P 500 companies. An exploratory analysis of historical financial data was conducted, followed by the creation of a forecasting model to predict Revenue.

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  • Excel | Python

Financial Analysis Of NYSE Data

This project involved measuring the Profit and Loss statements and developing a forecasting model for S&P 500 companies. An exploratory analysis of historical financial data was conducted, followed by the creation of a forecasting model to predict Revenue.

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Ongoing Projects

Here are projcets I am working on and open for collaboration
